The Office Small Business Academy September webcast—“Up Your Marketing Game: Social Media Secrets”

Up Your Marketing Game 1

Social media is the ultimate equalizer in marketing. There are plenty of low- and no-cost ways to promote your business online. But how do you break through the noise? Find out when you register now for “Up Your Marketing Game: Social Media Secrets,” airing September 27 at 9 a.m. PT / 12 p.m. ET.

Watch this preview:

Join our featured guests to get tips for an easy, effective social strategy you can live with—and your business can’t live without.

  • Associate director of strategy and social media at Inc., Stephanie Meyers, has five things you can do today to improve your web presence, and the keys to turning online engagement into results.
  • Co-founder and chief experience officer of Loot Crate, Matthew Arevalo, will tell us how his company mastered the art of community building and conquered social customer service. He’ll also share the one thing you need to do to increase your word-of-mouth marketing online.
  • New this season, we’ll demonstrate tips and tricks from the show you can start using for your business today. In this episode, stylist and owner of The Constant Stylist, Constance Turman, shows us how she uses Office 365 to organize her content and keep up with her growing social presence.

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For more information, visit the Office Small Business Academy home page.

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  • What I wish I knew: 5 Small Business Owners Share Success Secrets
  • 80 Easy Ways to Supercharge Your Business Growth
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