How To Add Bullets and Number lists In a Word Document

Bullets and numbering

Word gives you a chance to make two kinds of records: bulleted and numbered. Bulleted and numbered records help to streamline steps or things to the peruser. Educators regularly utilize bulleted records to feature essential bits of their lessons. Manuals regularly incorporate numbered records to help perusers in well ordered guideline.

A slug is typically a dark circle, however it can be some other image used to feature things in a rundown. Utilize slugs to list things that don't need to be in a specific request.

Numbers (or letters) are utilized when data must be in a specific request. You can utilize the default Bullets and Numbering settings by tapping on the fitting catch on the Formatting toolbar.

Bullet Options

Make bulleted and numbered records

To make a bulleted list:

  • Tap the Bullets Button Bullets catch on the Formatting toolbar.
  • Sort the principal thing on your rundown, and press Enter.
  • The following line will start naturally with another projectile.
  • Sort the following thing on your rundown, and press Enter.
  • At the point when your rundown is finished, press the Enter key twice to stop the bulleted list.

To make a numbered list:

  • Tap the Numbers Button Numbering catch on the Formatting toolbar.
  • Sort the main thing on your rundown, and press Enter.
  • The following line will start naturally with the following number.
  • Sort the following thing on your rundown, and press Enter.
  • At the point when your rundown is finished, press the Enter key twice to stop the numbered list.
  • Audit the accompanying tips to enable you to deal with your numbered or bulleted records.
  • Expel a shot by putting the addition point to one side of the slug or number and press delete (you won't have the capacity to put your inclusion point to one side of the projectile).
  • On the off chance that you need to change a bulleted rundown to a numbered rundown (or the other way around), select the whole rundown and tap the proper catch.
  • To make a line break between things in a bulleted or numbered list, put your cursor where you need the line break and press Shift + Enter.

The Bullets and Numbering discourse box

Word offers you numerous different choices for your shots and numbers, other than the default that you have seen up until this point.You can see the sort of shots and numbers accessible to you by opening the Bullets and Numbering discourse box.

  • Select the content you need to transform into a rundown.
  • Snap Format on the menu bar.
  • Select Bullets and Numbering. The Bullets and Numbering exchange box shows up.
  • Tap the Bulleted tab to see all slug choices, and tap the Numbered Tab to see every single number alternative.
  • Select which sort of projectiles or numbers you need, at that point click OK.

The Bullets and Numbering discourse box additionally offers you Outline Numbered choices. When you tap the Outline Numbered tab, you can see layouts for making a blueprint. The List Styles tab enables you to make your own particular rundown style utilizing comparative arrangement, slugs, and characters.

Bullets and Numbering Dialog Box

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