GigJam expands support for interaction styles and content types

Today’s post was written by Vijay Mital, corporate vice president, Ambient Computing and Robotics.

GigJam helps you get work done across your network by sharing just the slice of information you want, with who you need—both inside and outside your company. We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added two major capabilities to the GigJam Preview.

GigJam expands support for interaction styles and content types

First, we added the ability to share slices of images, documents and live line-of-business information with people who aren’t online at the time of sending and expire that information in 24 hours. Second, we added the ability to redact arbitrary content from images, PDFs or slides, ensuring that an object in a picture, a text block or a particular bullet doesn’t even go over to the recipient.

Imagine you need to get input from a new supplier on part of a proposal, but they are in an all-day meeting. With GigJam, just summon the proposal and the opportunity information from your CRM system, redact the budget details they don’t need to see, and send it over to “view for 24 hours.” The recipient can come back later to review and annotate the information. Of course, if you both happen to be online together, you can let them edit the record directly on your behalf.

What if you want to get an opinion on an architectural drawing from a peer at another firm but don’t want to disclose client information? With GigJam, simply cross out the client details on the image and beam it over. Similarly, what if you want to share a past creative concept with a new client, but don’t want to reveal the prior product information shown in the image? Just pull the image into GigJam, cross out the part you don’t want shared and then have a focused discussion without showing sensitive or irrelevant information.

With these new capabilities, GigJam—a product coming to Office 365—helps you work across your full spectrum of network relationships, information types and working styles. Whether it’s a close colleague, an occasional partner or even a gig economy resource, now you can spontaneously and safely give them precisely the information they need to work with you.

You can get the preview at the GigJam website or from the iOS App Store. Visit the GigJam UserVoice community to tell us about your experiences or suggest new capabilities.