Episode 107 Office Dev Ops with Max Knor—Office 365 Developer Podcast

In episode 107 of the Office 365 Developer Podcast, Andrew Coates talks with Max Knor, Microsoft program manager, about Dev Ops in an Office Developer context.

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Weekly update

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  • www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com by Chris O’Brien

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  • Microsoft and Mercedes bring your office calendar to your car on Engadget

Show notes

  • Max Knor’s blog
  • Installing Outlook add-ins as part of your build definition by Simon Jäger
  • VSTS Build Tasks for Office: Outlook Mail add-ins by Max Knor
  • Applying Dev Ops principles to Office add-In development by Max Knor
  • GitVersion on GitHub

Got questions or comments about the show? Join the O365 Dev Podcast on the Office 365 Technical Network. The podcast RSS is available on iTunes or search for it at “Office 365 Developer Podcast” or add directly with the RSS feeds.feedburner.com/Office365DeveloperPodcast.

About Max Knor

MaxKnorMax Knor is a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft. He spends life travelling the world supporting Global ISVs with the implementation of Azure-based cloud solutions. He does a lot of Continuous Delivery, Docker Containers, Automation, Service Fabric and DevOps these days. And loves building home-automation systems with Arduino. Visit his blog at blog.knor.net

About the hosts

RIchard-diZeregaRichard is a software engineer in Microsoft’s Developer Experience (DX) group, where he helps developers and software vendors maximize their use of Microsoft cloud services in Office 365 and Azure. Richard has spent a good portion of the last decade architecting Office-centric solutions, many that span Microsoft’s diverse technology portfolio. He is a passionate technology evangelist and a frequent speaker at worldwide conferences, trainings and events. Richard is highly active in the Office 365 community, popular blogger at aka.ms/richdizz and can be found on Twitter at @richdizz. Richard is born, raised and based in Dallas, TX, but works on a worldwide team based in Redmond. Richard is an avid builder of things (BoT), musician and lightning-fast runner.


ACoatesA Civil Engineer by training and a software developer by profession, Andrew Coates has been a Developer Evangelist at Microsoft since early 2004, teaching, learning and sharing coding techniques. During that time, he’s focused on .Net development on the desktop, in the cloud, on the web, on mobile devices and most recently for Office. Andrew has a number of apps in various stores and generally has far too much fun doing his job to honestly be able to call it work. Andrew lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and two almost-grown-up children and is a cricket umpire in his spare time. Andrew sometimes blogs at aka.ms/coatsy and you can find him on Twitter at @coatsy

Useful links

  • Office 365 Developer Center
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  • dev.office.com blog
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