Episode 095 Mat Velloso on bots and Office 365—Office 365 Developer Podcast

In this episode, Richard DiZerega and Andrew Coates talk to evangelist Mat Velloso about building bots and connecting them to Office 365.

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Show notes

  • TwinsOrNot.net
  • How-old.net
  • Microsoft Bot Framework
  • AuthBot Library for Azure AD

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About Mat Velloso

Mat VellosoMat Velloso is a Principal SDE and Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, looking after the cloud platform adoption, especially areas such as identity, machine learning and bot framework. Mat is the creator of www.twinsornot.net website, www.azurelens.net app and co-developer of www.projectmurphy.net. Mat can be found on Twitter at @matvelloso.

About the hosts

An image of podcast host Richard diZeregaRichard is a software engineer in Microsoft’s Developer Experience (DX) group, where he helps developers and software vendors maximize their use of Microsoft cloud services in Office 365 and Azure. Richard has spent a good portion of the last decade architecting Office-centric solutions, many that span Microsoft’s diverse technology portfolio. He is a passionate technology evangelist and frequent speaker are worldwide conferences, trainings, and events. Richard is highly active in the Office 365 community, popular blogger at http://aka.ms/richdizz and can be found on Twitter at @richdizz. Richard is born, raised and based in Dallas, TX, but works on a worldwide team based in Redmond. Richard is an avid builder of things (BoT), musician and lightning-fast runner.

ACoatesA Civil Engineer by training and a software developer by profession, Andrew Coates has been a Developer Evangelist at Microsoft since early 2004, teaching, learning and sharing coding techniques. During that time, he’s focused on .Net development on the desktop, in the cloud, on the web, on mobile devices and most recently for Office. Andrew has a number of apps in various stores and generally has far too much fun doing his job to honestly be able to call it work. Andrew lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and two almost-grown up children.

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