Announcing the public preview of Microsoft StaffHub—the new app for deskless workers

We’re pleased to introduce Microsoft StaffHub—the go-to app for deskless workers to manage their life at work. With Microsoft StaffHub, it’s easy to create and manage shift schedules for your team and provide relevant information needed for the job. For deskless workers, their work schedule, and other important information, is right at their fingertips—on their mobile device. Starting today, Microsoft StaffHub is available in public preview for Office 365 customers. Learn more at

Deskless workers—the unsung heroes

There are hundreds of millions of deskless workers around the world working in hotels, restaurants, retail stores, on construction sites and in manufacturing and other service-related industries. These team members are often the public face of the company—interacting with customers and making things happen. While critical to the company, deskless workers typically don’t have a dedicated work space or computer. This makes it difficult to get the information they need for their job. Microsoft StaffHub makes this all easier.

Easily create and manage shift schedules for your team

For many deskless workers, it starts with being at work on the right day and time. However, for managers, creating, distributing and maintaining up-to-date schedule information can be difficult and time consuming. Microsoft StaffHub allows managers to quickly create, update and manage shift schedules for their team members—using a simple and intuitive interface.

Managers can easily see their team’s schedule, create new shifts and change existing shifts. Shifts can be color-coded for easy identification.

You can add a shift for an employee at any time by clicking a cell and entering the shift details. Since shift schedules sometimes remain similar over time, you can copy over the entire schedule from the previous week, giving you a starting point. You can also copy just a range of shifts and paste it in for another worker. When you are ready to share the schedule, just click or tap Publish and the schedule, updates and notes are automatically pushed to your team in the Microsoft StaffHub app, so everybody always has up-to-date information.

Team members can quickly view their schedule and request changes

Workers have access to all their schedule information right on their mobile app—no more having to go into the breakroom at work to look at the bulletin board. The home screen provides a summary of upcoming shifts as well as any important notes for the day. You can also see who else is on the schedule, which is useful if you want to know who you’ll be working with or if you want to swap shifts.

See your upcoming shifts at a glance and review shift details, such as important notes for the day.

Schedule conflicts come up occasionally—Microsoft StaffHub makes it easy for workers to swap a shift or offer their shift to someone else. Requests are always routed to a manager for approval, and updates are automatically pushed out to the involved team members.

Workers can easily request to swap a shift or offer a shift to someone else, and managers stay in control by reviewing and approving all requests.

Enables deskless workers to stay connected to the information they need

Deskless workers often don’t have their own company email or access to internal sites. This makes it hard for managers to distribute important information—such as policy manuals, handbooks or training materials. With Microsoft StaffHub, it takes just a few clicks for managers to select and share files with their workers. For employees, the content shows up directly in the mobile app. Deskless workers can also send quick messages to each other such as “Let’s grab lunch today” or “VIP guest is arriving in 20 minutes” by tapping a coworker’s contact icon and typing a note.

Managers select the content they want to distribute to their team; deskless workers view the files in the mobile app.

How to get the Microsoft StaffHub Preview

Microsoft StaffHub is now available in public preview on the web, iOS and Android. Visit to learn more.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Who has access to the public preview?

A. Customers need to visit and request a promo code for a Microsoft StaffHub Public Preview license. Customers must also have one of the following Office 365 plans: K1, E1, E3 or E5. Public preview customers can download the mobile app on Google Play and iTunes.

Q. What’s currently available in the public preview?

A. Microsoft StaffHub is currently available in public preview on the web, iOS and Android. During the public preview, Microsoft StaffHub is available in the following languages: Chinese-Simplified, English (U.S.), Spanish, Russian, Japanese, French, Brazilian-Portuguese, German, Korean, Italian, Chinese-Traditional, Dutch, Turkish, Swedish.

Q. Does each team member need to have an Office 365 account for the Microsoft StaffHub Public Preview?

A. Yes, each deskless worker and manager using Microsoft StaffHub must have an Office 365 account.

Q. Are there major differences between the iOS and Android public preview apps?

A. The core functionality is the same between iOS and Android.