Entries from 2017-02-01 to 1 month

Crash course on boosting productivity with Office 365 plus live Q&A

With our modern-day mobile workforce, more and more employees are working from home and on the go. We’ve become accustomed to hosting online meetings and collaborating in the cloud. To help you expand the digital capabilities of your team,…

Project updates at Ignite 2016

It was an exciting week for Project at Ignite 2016. We had some great sessions, which are now available online. If you were not able to attend Ignite, these online sessions provide a great overview of the latest happenings in the Microsoft…

City of Kansas City empowers employees, provides better services with Office 365

I love living in Kansas City because it gives me the best of both worlds: a friendly, small-town feel with big city benefits. As deputy director and CIO at the City of Kansas City, I make sure our 4,300 employees get the same multifaceted …

5 ways you need to work at home to feel like you never left the office

Whether you’re a full- or part-time telecommuter, or you just like to catch up on projects at home or on the go—you’re not alone. According to Global Workplace Analytics, the number of people who work at home, not including those who are s…

Get more done faster with Microsoft Teams

Around the world teamwork is on the rise. Research suggests employees now work on nearly double the number of teams than they did just five years ago. This means more than ever people are reliant on their peers to help get things done. But…

Episode 118 on Building Contextual Bots in the SharePoint Framework—Office 365 Developer Podcast

In episode 118 of the Office 365 Developer Podcast, Richard diZerega discuss delivering contextual bots using the SharePoint Framework and the Bot Framework “back channel.” https://officeblogspodcastswest.blob.core.windows.net/podcasts/EP1…

Advice to help prevent data breaches at your company

A data breach can be your worst nightmare. Not only could it be disastrous for your company’s brand, it could lead to significant revenue losses and regulatory fines. Watch the latest Modern Workplace episode, “Cyber Intelligence: Help Pre…

New Virtual Health Templates extend Skype for Business as platform for developers

Modern healthcare providers are constantly looking for innovative ways to service and connect their patients and care teams. We are excited to announce the publication of new developer templates that extend Skype for Business as a platform…

September 2016 updates for Get & Transform in Excel 2016 and the Power Query add-in

Excel 2016 includes a powerful new set of features based on the Power Query technology, which provides fast, easy data gathering and shaping capabilities and can be accessed through the Get & Transform section on the Data ribbon. Today, we…

Now you can create and share Office documents while collaborating in Yammer

Yammer connects people and teams across your organization. To be truly productive, team members need to be connected not only to each other but also to the tools they need the most. Last week, with Office 365 Groups integration, we announc…

Empowering IT professionals to advance accessibility initiatives

Last week, Microsoft hosted the Ignite conference and showcased our latest solutions and innovations to over 20,000 IT professionals seeking to power digital transformation in their organizations. As part of this digital transformation, we…

The Office Small Business Academy October webcast—“How to Keep Your Business Safe from Cyber Attacks”

For any entrepreneur, cybersecurity is a necessary part of doing business these days. But with an increase in phishing attacks, data breaches and ransomware, how secure is your business? Join us for the next episode of Office Small Busines…

The state of the modern meeting

Love them or hate them, meetings are here to stay. As a communication tool, meetings provide team insights, real-time bonding and constructive conversation. But sometimes, meetings can become unproductive. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor…

Take your teamwork to the next level with the social and collaborative tools built into Office 2016 and Windows 10

Social collaboration improves an organization’s ability to react quickly to new data and information. An online immersion session is not your typical online event. These 90-minute interactive sessions start with an online roundtable discus…

Office 365 Groups update at Ignite 2016

It was an exciting time for Office 365 Groups at Ignite 2016 in Atlanta last month. We had some great sessions, which are now available online to all of you that could not attend. These sessions cover top of mind questions you asked us to …

The future of workplace productivity

THE FUTURE OFWorkplace Productivity We’re getting things done faster than ever in the workplace, but there’s still room for improvement. Fortunately, more streamlined forms of business communication, technology and management are not far o…

Customer data—walking the line between helpful innovation and invasion of privacy

Everyone is worried about privacy these days. More information about you exists in more places today than ever before in history. Collecting and using customer data is not a bad thing. Organizations need that data to deliver products and s…

From pit stop to checkered flag—NASCAR drives productivity through cloud-based IT innovation

// Hide elements after the first to prevent flash of unstyled content // But only if JS is enabled. var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var css = '.cs-video-item:not(:first-child) { display: none; }'; var …

TD banks on the security of the cloud with Office 365

Today’s post was written by Ron Markezich, corporate vice president for Microsoft. When customers in highly regulated industries choose the Microsoft Cloud, it’s because they feel confident that our security capabilities will meet their ne…

Work smarter, not harder with Office 365—free live demos with Q&A

With our modern-day mobile workforce, more and more employees are working from home and on the go. We’ve become accustomed to hosting online meetings and collaborating in the cloud. To help expand the digital capabilities of your team, joi…

Guide to inbox management

With hundreds (or thousands) of messages coming and going from your inbox each month, it can quickly get unruly. Outlook helps you take control and stay on top of what’s important. Here are seven Outlook tips and tools to help you overcome…

Accessibility in the classroom—tools that impact my students

Today’s post was written by Robin Lowell, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, special education, science and mathematics teacher, as well as teacher of blind and visually impaired students. Creating a collaborative, inclusive classroom…

4 ways OneDrive can help you eliminate the version control headache

Successfully working on a team requires seamless collaboration—no matter where you are. You need to communicate effectively with all your team members and keep everyone on the same page. This can get chaotic during busy workdays, even for …

One-stop shop for enterprise/IT pro content about Office 365

Are you in charge of getting your enterprise organization onto Office 365? We have the information you need to plan, deploy and manage Office 365 and hybrid environments. Find content about core Office 365, Office client deployment and Off…

Find and leverage collective intelligence to produce higher impact deliverables using Office 2016 and Windows 10

Peruse dashboards and drill into data specifics to make informed strategic decisions. An online immersion session is not your typical online event. Each 90-minute interactive session starts with an online roundtable discussing your busines…

Making the world more accessible with Sway

Today’s post was written by Brett Bigham, 2014 Oregon State Teacher of the Year and a recipient of the NEA National Award for Teaching Excellence in 2015. I’m the first to admit I’m a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to technology. It’s not…

Skype for Business announces new Mac client and new mobile sharing experiences

Today, we are pleased to announce that Skype for Business Mac is now publicly available for download. The Mac client offers edge-to-edge video and full immersive content sharing and viewing. The result is a great first class experience for…

How to avoid mobile app security scares

Workplace mobility has freed employees from their desks. Effective collaboration is no longer dependent on whether coworkers are in the same room, building or even country as their colleagues. The mobile devices, apps and policies that ena…

New Office 365 capabilities helps you proactively manage security and compliance risk

Missing a key security signal could mean not catching a breach, but the number of security signals is increasing exponentially. It’s becoming impossible to manually prioritize them. That’s why Office 365 applies intelligence to help you pr…

Episode 117 with Jeremy Thake on Microsoft Teams and extensibility—Office 365 Developer Podcast

In episode 117 of the Office 365 Developer Podcast, Richard diZerega and Andrew Coates are joined by Jeremy Thake to discuss Microsoft Teams and extensibility. https://officeblogspodcastswest.blob.core.windows.net/podcasts/EP117_Thake.mp3 …